Brian Levin

I have lived all over upstate New York. From Salamanca to Glens Falls, I have lived in almost every part of the state. Moving from town to town as a child, gave me a perspective on the uniqueness every area offers. I love food tourism (sometimes to the point of gluttony). I also, love museums of history and art and would be hard pressed to turn down a factory tour (which I drag Sarah begrudgingly through).

When not working on the Nine Ten Levin’s blog, I am a professional programmer and an amateur photographer. I also have a passion for cooking, local products, and agriculture.

You can reach me with suggestions, comments, or concerns at brian[at]ninetenlevins{dot}com.

Sarah Levin

Sarah was born and raised outside of Corinth, New York. As a child she discovered her love of organization and cataloging. Some children want to be astronauts or firefighters, Sarah wanted to be a bureaucrat. Her cataloging has made it easy to create this site.

When not working on this site, she enjoys backpacking and hiking (and dragging Brian along on these activities). Though a bureaucrat at heart, she is trying to embrace her inner artist and is working on her graphic design degree. Her passions include conservation, hiking, crafting, and baking.

You can reach her about suggestions, comments, or concerns at sarah[at]ninetenlevins{dot}com.

Gus Levin

Gus roared into the world on a cold winter morning, born a fighting at 8lbs 6oz. While occupying most of our time, he has not slowed down our adventures. As a matter of fact, I imagine he will be adding to them. With his help, I think I have enough votes to start going to science museums.

You can reach him about suggestions, comments, or concerns at either one of his parents’ email addresses above. He is far to young to have email. However, he can still respond (mostly through crying, laughing, and farting). Brian, Sarah, & Gus

Brian, Sarah, and Gus live in the Upper Valley Region of Vermont. We would love to hear from you. Feel free to drop us a line at their email addresses above or connect with us on social media.